Sunday, February 7, 2010

Did you see that Barbara Walter's interview with Jenny Sanford about her failed relationship with husband Mark, the governor of South Carolina?

My question is, couldn't this smart lady see this coming ages ago?

I mean if I was a bookie, what odds would I stake on a marriage where the husband refused to swear he'd be faithful DURING the wedding ceremony?

And what kind of soon-to-be-father stalks out of his wife's Lamaze class calling it stupid? Or buys her a diamond necklace and then yells that it's too expensive and takes it back?

Yet Jenny Sanford, heiress to Skil power tools, a woman who could buy anything she wanted, hitched her hopes to this soulless scumbag.

Hey, did you hear the one about the bike?

Jenny wanted a simple bike--not titanium, not custom designed.

The first year Mark hands her a sketch of half a bike. The next year he offers a sketch of the other half, and the third year--ta da--let's hear the drum roll--he buys her a used piece of crap for twenty-five bucks.

Did I hear correctly?

Barbara Walters asked Mrs. Sanford what she thought of the incident, and Jenny shrugged it off like it was just like him.

So this was somehow cute?

Maybe her husband should've gone into comedy?

Instead he went into politics--often the same--just ask Jon Stewart.

So the loving wife, already slaving, enters human bondage when Sanford offers Jenny the deal of a lifetime. She could singlehandedly juggle the house, the marriage, and the kids while organizing, supporting, promoting, and advising him politically.

And all this for free.

To their shock, he won the election for state representative to the South Carolina legislature.

After that he kept running and winning race after race until he moved into the governor's mansion, with Jenny at his side, working, advising, while knowing their marriage was sliding over the edge.

But she ignored the signs because Mark was happy--or so she thought.

Wanna know what I think?

I think someone inserted a brain chip into her skull that severed her common sense connection between reality and her husband.

But at least Mark Sanford was honest.

The guy who never swore to be faithful, kept his word.

He climbed on top of the heap and searched around for a little loving. And by golly, he found her in Argentina by way of the Appalachian Trail.

Don't try to follow. This whole thing is screwy, but what isn't about their marriage?

But Jenny, there were signs.

Like a sunflower seedling planted into the earth, no one really knows it if will absorb the soil, the water, the sun, taking in all the nutrients and growing into a giant.

Sometimes it just takes faith.

But uh, your husband never promised that.

All you had to do was take a moment that day at the alter, look at the man and listen.

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