I’ve been watching all those flashbacks from the millennium, and yes these last ten years have been frightening, even miserable, but most of us aren’t standing in soup kitchens. The majority can stand up, look ourselves over, shake an arm and a couple legs, and breathe a deep sigh of relief.
Yeah the bank accounts might not look quite the same and a few of the bones are achy, but we’re here and doing okay.
Millions are more active than ever, smoking less, conscious of the environment and working to save its resources.
I know, I know. We gotta do more.
But heath care was passed, and it might be the most screwed up bill we’ve ever seen in modern history, but it was inevitable. Too many people were falling through the cracks, too many have been turned away from basic help and lifesaving care.
And the government would surely go broke pouring money into something without any backbone, without a skeleton to center this enormous, ever growing beast with an unending thirst and appetite.
Sounds like some Americans I know...
In the meantime Dr. Oz says to get 10 to 15 minutes of sun each day for Vitamin D.
Can do.
Walk a little more. Drink elderberry juice.
Help people out and you’ll only feel better in return.
Don’t strap bombs into your underwear, and you’ll get through the lines.
Besides, my daughter’s getting married in just a few weeks and it couldn’t get better than this.