Friday, February 4, 2011

Flushing with Your Foot

I arrived at my book club ten minutes late and noticed the ladies were unusually quiet, which is rarely the case.  Uh-oh.   Something was wrong.

Olivia (not her real name) was holding an ice bag to the side of her knee.  She hurt herself in the leg again?  She’s had nothing but problems with her lower extremities, like major breakage in three places after falling downstairs and then a terrible car accident a few years later.

Of course I asked what happened.

“I was flushing the toilet with my foot when I slipped, hit my knee, and fell on my back.”

“Flushing with your foot?” I never heard of that before. I think I must’ve looked at her like she’d just landed on the first plane out of Egypt.  “Has anyone else ever done this?” I asked.
More than half raised their hands.

“I do it so I won’t get germs,” Olivia added.

“Why don’t you just take an extra piece of toilet paper and hold it while you’re flushing?” I asked. “Or like me, flush and then wash your hands with soap and water.”

No answer.

‘Course, I wasn’t expecting any.   The damage was already done, and fortunately, this was the good leg, not the one that had been traumatized twice.

So she used the good leg to flush while balancing on the bad one…

Which got me to thinking. I don’t know why, but it did.  What do other people think?

When I got home, I looked online and found that more than a few had fallen, and some manufacturers have designed foot flushers that are considered highly sanitary.  But researching further, I found that many people were furious when learning that others used their filthy shoes to flush regular toilet handles.
Why? Because it AIN’T clean.

Where’s that shoe been, Lady, dragging caked-on mud, diseased gum, or even dog shit. Would you like to be the next victim using that booth?

Washing hands just seems easier.   Dr. Oz said that in order to know that you've cleansed well, you should keep washing while singing, “Happy Birthday” twice.

So I did it.

Not only did I feel healthy but got in the mood to blow out candles for the rest of the day.
So what do you think?  Let me know.

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