Friday, September 10, 2010

Terry Jones: How Come We Didn't Kill this Nut Job

Every evening this week I’ve turned on the news and listened to this wacko declaring that he’s going to burn the Koran tomorrow, on the ninth anniversary of 9-11.

And every station’s given him the air time to spout his garbage and get Osama and his followers a chance to rile up and rally more suicide bombers and probably millions in donations.

This worked out better for bin Laden than blowing up an entire city.

And no officer of the court has issued an arrest warrant to pull this Terry Jones off the streets and into solitary confinement.

But he did break the law.

If it is against the law to shout Fire in a crowded theatre, it is also against the law to shout that you will burn the Koran, causing rioting abroad and endangering our men and women fighting overseas.

But we allowed this Jones guy, this piece of human garbage, to do just that--to create a worldwide media circus—with General Petraeus, Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, and even the President warning that innocents would die.

So why didn’t we muzzle the creep before he got the word out, before the rioting began that placed our own men and women in danger?  Wasn't there anyone around who could superglue his jaws together?
 President Obama confirmed yesterday morning that tremendous damage has already occurred because of the man's statements.

As of today, whether Jones burns the Koran or not, is beside the point.  His words are already causing havoc abroad and could instigate another war.

Someone should’ve hung Jones last Monday—yes Labor Day would’ve been appropriate, do a little work and save the planet.

Instead, this utter failure in life--a failure who had 50 followers at the beginning of the week, but only a few today, has been allowed to use the power of the media to yell fire in a crowded theater.  He knew that the enemy would use his words as propanganda against us, endangering our troops and many loyal but beleaguered Muslims caught in the uproar.

My God, and the man's still talking!

Where's the Klan when you need them?

1 comment:

  1. Ahh. Islamophobia at its finest. You want to suspend American rights just because you're terrified of Muslims? You're pathetic.
